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Age: 27

Name: Zippy3367

Hair: Black

Status: Divorced

Body Type: Slender

City: Spooner, Wisconsin

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Please write a message of substance thank you....My preference (the female here) is men with shorter hair, clean cut, shaved faces, min tattoos, no piercings. Another major taboo: do not penetrate me with anything (fingers / toys / cock) without my saying I'm ready for that. What can I say lol Be interesting to see how many peeps actually read this rather than sending typical dick pics which are all well and good when the chat has already started but doesnt quite work when we havent even had a conversation. My ideal person is preferably a woman that enjoys some attention given girls in Wisconsin to her nipples. Girls only message me. I don't want yours too!!!! Midel ageded naked.

Age: 30

Name: naughty_licker32

Hair: Grey

Status: No Strings Attached

Body Type: Slender

City: New Berlin, Wisconsin

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Age: 48

Name: Shelbasponaugle

Hair: Grey

Status: No Strings Attached

Body Type: Athletic

City: Viroqua, Wisconsin

I'm looking for my girls in Wisconsin soulmate ation.
Don't consider myself very kinky but definitely open to trying. Well im about 5'6"a little heavy just need to be fucked out of my mind std free would like to play. Irland women sex. Until then Im here to be naughty with new guys..

Age: 41

Name: Meltontupaj

Hair: Blonde

Status: Divorced

Body Type: Heavyset

City: Tigerton, Wisconsin

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Shy BBW not sure what I'm looking for but hey..
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